Summer Vibes 🌞

Summet 2015 has taken a complete 360 degree turn. So much has changed (including my relationship status) in the last week that has made me consider some new decisions I will be making this summer, such as moving across the water to Newcastle. My sister lives there with her husband. I have always being so close to them and they have kindly welcomed me into their home for the summer. The plan is to get a job and spend more time with my big sister   

There are some nerves about the move and a overwhelming feeling of being lonely because it’s a new place and I don’t know anyone there but I hope to make some friends. 

Obviously, I am excited there is butterflies swimming around my stomach. I’m hoping my blog grows over the summer and I meet new people with the same interests as me. The blog is helping me a lot with talking and getting to know people and I believe it is going to help with my move and make it a little easier. 

Have any of you made some big decisions? 

How has blogging helped you? 

More decisions for the summer includes, getting fit. I am so unfit and I want to join my college basketball team who are all Ireland champions. So as you can imagine I need to get fit. It is going to take me a while to get fit to that standard but I’m hoping to find a gym buddy for some motivation. I played basketball in school and loved it but no one was interested in starting a senior team so I had to stop playing. I am hoping I get on the college team. 

What sport/s do you play? 

So, so far that is my summer plans. I was thinking of planning and organising a bloggers meet up around the Newcastle area some time over the summer. If you are interested, let me know I’m the comments or on Twitter 

I am really looking forward to start this new adventure and really looking forward to meet new friends. 

Thank you for taking time out to read my post. If you enjoyed this Like, Comment and Follow.  

Carry On Blogging 

Gracie x

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